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MES - Moog's End Structures Mod

More life to the End dimension. Explore fallen meteorites, climb high towers and collect incredible loot.

The End dimension in Minecraft has remained the same for a very long time. The dimension has received no large updates ever since it was added. Unlike the other two vanilla dimensions, the End dimension lacks life and detail.

Moog's End Structures mod, or MES for short, is here to change that. This mod introduces a large collection of new structures into the End dimension.

Structures like the Astral Hideaway can be seen floating high up above the End islands, while some others, like the Mystical Archway, generate on the surface of the islands. Many of these structures even contain loot chests with useful items. These chests are sometimes hidden within the structure.

The size of the structures added by this mod varies from very small, like a pile of blocks, to extremely large-sized towers and such. As seen from the images, almost all of these structures are well detailed. The amount of effort put in by the developer is clearly noticeable.

There are dozens of small structures that can be found generated on the island surfaces. Some of these contain loot, while others do not. Explore and dig around to find out!

Moog's End Structures is a must-have for any player looking to spice up their End exploration. The mod is available for all of the popular mod loaders - Forge, NeoForge & Fabric.