Best Minecraft end mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Distorted Discs 1

Spice up your adventures with over 50 music records.

MES - Moog's End Structures 10

More life to the End dimension. Explore fallen meteorites, climb high towers and collect incredible loot.

Better End Cities Vanilla 14

The end is just the beginning of a new story.

Ender Compass 1

Guides players directly to End portals, eliminating the need for breaking Ender eyes or aimless wandering.


Adds life to the End dimension.

Additional Ender Items

Expand your End dimension experience with new items

Shrines Structures

Adds new visually appealing and challenging shrines across all three biomes without altering existing structures

Enderling Invaders


Enderling Invaders, as the name suggests, introduces new creatures, Enderlings and Endersent, that were previously only found in Minecraft Dungeons. Along with them, some new custom Enderlings have al



The Explorify mod adds new structures to the world of Minecraft. These structures have been constructed to match the style of the game and make exploring more fun and interesting. The mod doesn't

Unusual End 6

Unusual End is a mod that seeks to bring excitement and variety to the otherwise dull End dimension in Minecraft. The mod introduces new mobs, biomes, and plants to the End world, making the journey t

Endermen Plus


Endermen Plus is a mod that brings a bunch of new endermen to your Minecraft world. These endermen are scattered around the world and can be found in random places. They can be seen picking up blocks,

Awesome Dungeon The End 1

The "Awesome Dungeon The End" mod enhances the end dimension in Minecraft by adding various structures with an end theme. These structures include pyramids, castles, and homes, all of which

End Remastered 1

End Remastered is a mod that spices up the Minecraft End biome. In this mod, finding the portal to enter the End biome isn't as easy as finding the Eye of Ender and activating it. Instead, players


Enderscape is an End enhancement mod designed to make the end more enjoyable with things like new biomes, items, mobs, blocks, decorations, and more. While the end is normally pretty boring, especiall

Nourished End 1

As the name suggests, the Nourished End mod nourishes the End Dimension in your Minecraft World. The normal End Dimension in Minecraft has remained unchanged for years, making playing in the End borin

Endergetics 0

The Endergetics mod modifies the Minecraft End Dimension. The mod adds new biomes and structures to Minecraft's End dimension. The ordinary Minecraft End is made of limited blocks and has only one

OuterEnd 1

The Outer End mod improves the end dimension in your Minecraft world. The normal Minecraft End Biome is boring and has only limited blocks and structures. But with this mod, the end biome becomes

L_Ender 's Cataclysm 0

L Ender's Cataclysm mod adds new bosses to your Minecraft world. With the Cataclysm mod, you can find dungeons in the End and Nether Dimensions. Like fortresses and mineshafts, these new structure

Dimensional Ores 6

The Dimensional Ores mod does exactly what it's name suggests. It adds ores that are dimensional. To do so, the mod adds the Nether and End variants of the vanilla ores, as well as some new ores l