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Repurposed Structures Mod

This amazing mod adds a whole host a features to all dimensions in Minecraft! It includes:

-14 new Mineshaft types
- 10 new biome variants of Villages
- 15 new Temples variants
- 2 new biome variants of Igloos
- 13 new Pillager Outposts
- 4 new types of Shipwrecks
- 7 new Mansion types
- 5 new Witch Huts types
- 3 new kinds of Ruins! (2 on land. 1 in Nether)

Personally I love the Nether City's which are repurposed End City's but found in the Nether instead; as well as this, the underground mineshafts found in the three dimensions add so much more to the game making it feel really unique and explorable. If you are bored with basic Minecraft exploration this mod will add many more features to give you a better experience exploring the game world!