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Trading Post [Forge & Fabric] Mod

Trade with multiple villagers simultaneously from one place using the Trading Post block

Trading Post [Forge & Fabric] is a mod which adds  a single block called the Trading post into the game. The trading post can be used to trade with multiple villagers at a time from 1 place.  This can be very useful for when you want to see all the trades from a nearby village but do not want to waste your time looking at all the trades offered by all of the villagers and instead want to speed up the process and trade with multiple at once and see all the trades of the nearby villagers.

The Trading post is the only block added by the mod, you place it down and you will see an emerald. The emerald will lay down flat by default when there are no villagers within the preset radius for the villagers, when there are villagers in the correct place, you will see an animation with the emerald going up. This is similar to the Visual Workbench mod by the same author and uses some code from Quark.

When there is a floating emerald that means there are nearby trades. Just right click the Trading Post and then start making trades. The trading table works with many custom villagers from other mods such as the Quackling from the Ducklings mod. It does not work for piglins bartering though, for that you will need a separate mod called Bartering Station. This mod was inspired by a similar trading post block from Extra Utilities.

The radius of the accepted villagers can be customised by editing a config file. The config file can be found by looking in the config folder or by doing /config showfile <modid> and then selecting whether you want the client or server config. If you are on MC Forge you can configure in game with the Config Menus for Forge mod.

The mod requires PuzzleLib and Forge Config API for Fabric like many of the other mods by the same creator. LunaPixelStudios (one of the biggest modpack creators) is also involved in this mod.