Best Minecraft structures mods

Amazing buildings, intricate dungeons, hidden lairs, towering castles, and ancient ruins

Greek Fantasy 1

Introduces mythical creatures, items, and structures inspired by Greek mythology

Immersive Structures 2

Immersive structures is a mod that adds 22 new structures to our Minecraft world.With this mod, you will be able to visit new structures in addition to the classic:airship, bee house, el dorado, train

Structure Plus II

Enhances exploration with over 40 unique structures, including mansions, villages, and dungeons across all dimensions

Dungeons 2

New dungeons and structures!

Campsite Structures 1

Adds vanilla-friendly campsites with NPCs and loot, enhancing exploration with six campsite variants

Adventure Structures 3

Adds unique structures and items for enhanced exploration and adventure in Minecraft

The Twilight Forest 8

Embark on an adventure in a unique dimension with intricate dungeons, epic boss battles, and valuable treasures

Katters Structures 2

Discover the magic of new villages. Explore ruined villages, shroom caves, cherry villages, and more to enhance your Minecraft world.

Blood Magic 4

Master the power of Blood Magic to exploit forbidden rituals, create powerful altars, and command immense arcane forces



Levinide is an exciting mod that breathes new life into the world of Minecraft. With the introduction of unique biomes and mobs, players can explore new landscapes and encounter thrilling challenges.

Shrines Structures

The Shrines Structure mod is all about adding new structures to Minecraft without removing the game’. Unlike other mods that may modify existing structures, this mod introduces entirely new ones



The Explorify mod adds new structures to the world of Minecraft. These structures have been constructed to match the style of the game and make exploring more fun and interesting. The mod doesn't

Red's More Structure

Red's More Structure is a Minecraft mod that adds various new structures to the game, giving players even more to explore and discover. The mod includes many new types of buildings, such as the in


The Kobolds mod is here! This mod adds a new underground civilization called Kobolds to your Minecraft world. They look like lizards. These creatures live in caves and other places in a wide range of

Towers Of The Wild 0

Towers of the Wild is a Zelda-based Structure mod for Minecraft. The mod brings some of the towers into the game. There are many variants, often linked to biomes, such as one for ocean, jungle, desert

Awesome Dungeon Ocean 1

Awesome Dungeon Ocean is a mod that adds new structures to the Minecraft world, all with an ocean theme. The structures are similar to those found in ocean monuments, but with a twist. These structure

Awesome Dungeon The End 1

The "Awesome Dungeon The End" mod enhances the end dimension in Minecraft by adding various structures with an end theme. These structures include pyramids, castles, and homes, all of which

Moolands 3

Moolands is a mod that adds new terrain and two new mobs in Minecraft. The terrain is quite diverse and provides a unique experience to the player. To get to the Moolands, you need to make a portal fr

Choice Theorem's Overhauled Village Generation 2

Choice Theorem's Overhauled Village Generation is a Minecraft mod by the developer Choice Theorem that updates the game's village generation system. It adds a plethora of new features to the g

Repurposed Structures 10

This amazing mod adds a whole host a features to all dimensions in Minecraft! It includes:-14 new Mineshaft types- 10 new biome variants of Villages- 15 new Temples variants- 2 new biome variants of I