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Spooklementary Shaders

Enter a world plunged into darkness with the Spooklementary shader pack. Experience eerie fog, a haunting red moon, and darkened landscapes for a truly terrifying adventure.

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The Spooklementary shader pack, as the name suggests, adds an atmosphere of fear and paranoia into the game. While most shader packs focus on making the game look a lot more realistic and detailed, this pack aims to make your game dark and scary.

There's not really much to say about this shader; featurewise; it speaks for itself with completely unique visuals and a single target use-case; its Complementary shaders, but different.  With special fog, sun path rotation, lighting and atmosphere settings, it stands out from the crowd of normal Minecraft shaders. Simply put; its goal is to make your world dark, and moody and create a halloween- like atmosphere.

You will notice that the world is engulfed in a dark, thick fog that limits your view distance. The skies are dark, and all of the blocks and terrain appear much darker than usual. At night, you will get to see the red moon, and everything else around you will be dark, almost completely black, essentially blinding you.

Performance wise, on par with its father, Complementary, the pack delivers decent frame rates on mid-end to high-end systems. 

The featureset will be the same as Complementary, and so is the customisation, as the shader really only has one use- case, unless you want your world to look dark and foggy all the time, during normal gameplay, that is. 

To experience the dark, eerie and mysterious atmosphere brough into your game by this amazing shader pack, download it using the links provided in the Downloads tab.