Best Minecraft blur shaders

Shaders make atmosphere of Minecraft beautiful and realistic by modifying an ordinary look of several details of game, such as sun rays, grass, water. Choose the one you like from our website and enjoy the different look of Minecraft.

Prismarine 26

Prismarine is a shaderpack that absolutely blew my mind. It is Capt Tatsu's edit of the BSL shaderpack. Prismarine contains all the features of BSL and also contains new colours and visuals. The v

Builder's QOL

Most shaderpacks require you to have a decent PC to run. So it is unable for many players with low end systems to enjoy the visually pleasing quality of shaders while getting good performance. Builder

Depth Of Field 3

Depth Of Field is the distance between the closest and farthest objects in a photo that appears acceptably sharp. This is an effect that many shderpacks like BSL and Complementary provides. But most p


BSL Shaders is a shaderpack for Minecraft: Java Edition with high customization and optimization. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds