Minecraft new ore tagged materials

MinecraftStorage is one of the best places to find out mods, shaders, texture packs, maps and much more for Minecraft.

FireShard 0

Replaces gravel, flint, and "flint and steel" with fiery-themed textures

InfinityPickaxe 1

Adds an ultra-fast pickaxe with high durability, capable of breaking obsidian quickly and mining rare infinity stone

BetterOreGeneration 1

Enhances ore vein structure and introduces new generation properties for obsidian and special blocks like bedrock.

Traint Mod [Better Than Diamonds] 1.1


Are you bored with diamonds or wants something new? This mod is for you! It`s add a new very special ore that is better than diamonds! Traint Mod gives you a new ore called "Traint", and a Traint gem