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Wood Tweaks Texture Pack

Wood Tweaks is a complete overhaul to wooden items in Minecraft. This includes logs, stripped logs, planks, slabs, signs, pressure plates, crafting tables, barrels, campfires, ladders, torches, chests, fences, etc. The new textures of these blocks are much more cleaner and detailed. They look a lot more smoother compared to the vanilla textures. Any builder would easily fall in love with the new cleaner wooden plank textures. Take a look at the screenshots.

My favourite aspect of this pack is the biome dependency of some of the items/blocks. Campfires in different biomes will have different textures wood, depending on the biome they are placed in. For example, a campfire placed in a savanna biome will have the texture of acacia wood and a campfire placed in a warped forest will have a texture similar to warped stem. Torches are biome dependent too. Ladders are replaced with a 3D version of their texture.

Download links are given below.