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Just like the name suggests, this mod, is in fact, an awesome mod. The Awesome Dungeons mod adds seven new structures into the game. Unlike other mods, the dungeons in this mod does not go underground. All of the structures are well above ground level.
The structures this mods add are massive. They offer a lot to explore and contains loot chests to find. The structures include the abandoned oak palace, abandoned mushroom, desert temple husk, giant jungle tree, the swamp temple, the Z tower and the better default jungle temple. The better default jungle temple is an improved and scaled up version of the vanilla jungle temple.
Most of these structures has traps set up within them and will spawn enemies for you to fight and defeat. The mod does not add any new blocks and the structures are quite vanilla friendly. This mod is a must have if you want to enhance your survival experience.
The mod is available for both Forge and Fabric. Download links for the Forge versions are given below.