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In Minecraft, a horse can be twice as fast as a minecart. This is concerning when you consider the effort that you have to put in, in order to build a minecart travel system. A horse is easy to find and the only thing you need is a saddle. This is where the Faster Minecarts mod changes the game.
This simple mod adds two new rail types into the game - Accelerator rail and Decelerator rail. The names suggest what the rails are used for. Under normal circumstances, a minecart moves at a speed of about 8 blocks per second. Whereas, with the faster minecarts mod, you can increase this speed upto 30 blocks per second. This maximum speed setting can be adjusted using modmenu configs.
Suppose you have a long line of powered rails. All you have to do is to replace 2-3 of those rails with Acceleration rails or Deceleration rails, according to your needs. Note that you'll have to power these rails separately as there is no cross powering.
This mod is available for Fabric and download links can be found below. Read Installation Instructions too.