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Promenade Mod

Promenade is an exploration and biomes mod that adds a bunch of new features and biomes, as well as other decorative things. It makes the world more diverse, and the new biomes are based on real-life trees from around the world that are not found in traditional Minecraft but still look good none the less.

There are a few main biomes; most of them are distinguished by the trees (which are shown in the pictures in vanilla biomes).

  • The  Cherry Oak forests have these pink trees that have pink leaves with     cherries in them (though breaking the leaves does not always     guarantee a cherry). The trees in this biome are Japanese Cherry     Blossoms, and the biomes are pretty simple outside of that. They are     more distinguishable from other trees in the mod due to their bright     pink texture, and these trees can commonly be found in modded     servers such as LadEarth.

  • Carnelian Treeway has maple trees, which have brownish orange leaves and can     be found a lot, maple trees also often have a birch base, making     them a good, possibly better looking source of birch wood.

  • Dark Amaranth Forests are forests with trees that are dark orange with a     brown stump, darker than most other trees.

  • Palm trees, which can be found in deserts or their own biome, are very     tall trees with brownish green leaves and, in many cases, a slight     bend (unlike some of their tall real-life counterparts).

Ducks in the plains and rivers, capybaras in swamps and rivers (though we couldn't find them in our version), sunken skeletons (found in oceans), and lush creepers in caves are also mobs. These mobs are, for the most part, extensions of vanilla mobs, such as the duck being similar to a chicken and the monsters having vanilla variants. Capybaras are probably the most original if you can find them, and they have two variants (brown and albino). They are said to be large rodents that can sleep and wake up at dawn. The model is a little like a pig.

Ducks also have 2 variants, the "penkin", which is in the plains and forests, and the "mallard," which is in the plains, rivers, and swamps, each with their own appearance that looks similar to real-life ducks. Mallard is green, and penkin is yellow or white.

Varieties of mobs can be summoned with commands.

There are also a plethora of other smaller decorative blocks, items, and plants that can help make the world more interesting if you come across them, and unlike some other biomes mods like Biomes O Plenty or Oh the Biomes You'll Go, this is not an overly bloated mod that adds a plethora of useless biomes and wood variants you will not need (and prevents some mobs from spawning, making the game boring at times), instead having a few

There is a wiki for Promenade. Though the wiki is a fairly basic GitBook wiki that is mostly like a slide show that is not fully complete, it is still good and does still provide many pictures and details about the mod on the newest version.

Promenade requires the Dawn API, which is also used in many of the other mods by the authors of Promenade and provides many features. On newer fabric/quilt versions of the mod, you will also need TerraBlender because of missing FabricAPI Modules; the Minecraft Forge version of the mod does not need this though and does not currently exist.