Best Minecraft realistic mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Animal garden owl

Cute owls will now appear in your Minecraft


Bridges become frames for looking at the world around us.

Birds 0

Now your sky won't be empty.

Boids 7

With it, the depths of your oceans will become more realistic.

Epic terrain 8

Mountains are not only about height, but also about wisdom, eternity, and the vastness of nature.

AmbientSounds 6 3

Hear the sounds of forests, jungles, swamps, mountains, caves, seas and deserts. Introduces variety of dynamic sounds that improve your immersion into the game

Connectible Chains 15

Chains in the vanilla game look like rods. But not anymore! Connectible Chains is here to make chains realistic!



Enables seamless transitions between dimensions without loading screens through portals

aleki's Nifty Ships


Ships mod that gets closest to vanilla Minecraft. Adds small and large ships which can be decorated and equipped with blocks

3D Placeable Food

Transform your game with detailed, interactive 3D food items that add decor and shareable functionality.

Promenade 4

Promenade is an exploration and biomes mod that adds a bunch of new features and biomes, as well as other decorative things. It makes the world more diverse, and the new biomes are based on real-life

Stellar Sky Mod 0

Beautiful SkiesOne of the best things about shader packs is how they change the Vanilla Minecraft sky, adding bright stars, auroras, planets, and much more. But what if we just wanted to change the sk

Realistic Terrain Generation

The Realistic Terrain Generation Mod gives you the oppurtunity to traverse mesmerizing landscapes and breathtaking mountains in the 1.12 versions of Minecraft. The 1.12 world generation is pretty bori

First Person Render


The First Person Render mod makes your first person perspective view more dynamic and detailed. You can now see you player legs and hands moving in a much more dynamic manner.Take a look at the screen

ItemPhysic 10

ItemPhysic is a mod that adds an element of realism into how the game mechanics work. The changes made by this mod are subtle, but quite noticeable. This mod is a must have for people who like their g

LambDynamicLights 2

Introduces so-much wanted dynamic lights to fabric

Water Physics Overhaul - PhysEx 0

Water Overhaul is an outstanding mod that implements the dream of millions of Minecraft players - to have water physics in the game. Now, unlike in vanilla Minecraft, you can pour water from one place

Reusable Rockets


Three layers of reusable rockets are included in this mod. There's nothing like installing this interesting mod to take an already fantastic game to a whole new level of awesomeness. The addition

Overhauled Overworld


Sometimes Vanilla doesn't have the most exciting biomes, so we found a fix for you! The Overhauled Overworld is a mod that revamps the looks of biomes giving them more energy and better atmosphere

Realistic Terrain Generator Mod 2

Magnificent biomes await youAre you tired of the world generation of Vanilla Minecraft? Do you want something better? I think I have something that may interest you! Realistic Terrain Generator i