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SEUS Renewed Shaders

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SEUS Renewed is a re-imagining of SEUS and is an ongoing project. It is still in the beta stage, so the developers are doing their best to bring us something absolutely unique. But for now you can enjoy the current look of this amazing and beautiful shaders.

Make sure to always use the latest version of OptiFine!

Recent updates:

-Improved GI and SSAO
-Super smooth Temporal Anti-Aliasing
-Completely reworked system for day/night cycle based on atmospheric scattering
-Accurate sunlight color via atmospheric scattering
-Accurate ambient sky lighting from atmospheric scattering via Spherical Harmonics
-New atmospheric scattering on distand land for a natural sense-of-scale
-New underwater rendering
-Normal/bump mapping from torch/artificial light
-Screen-space shadow tracing for better contact shadows
-Vastly improved performance with long render distance settings
-Physically-based specular highlights from sunlight
-Improved 2D clouds
-Improved rendering of stained glass

-New rain/wet effects

-End and Nether shaders

-Improved POM and POM self-shadowing

-Improved shadows

-Many more, too many to list here!