Textures for Minecraft 1.7.2

Find out some of the amazing texture packs for Minecraft version :version. Texture packs revamp your Minecraft world to look different than vanilla. So texture packs change every part of the game, while others bring slight modifications to blocks or items. On this page, you can discover all kinds of texture packs, including stylistic, realistic, flat, cartoonish and etc.

Stylista 36

A combination of stylized and semi-realistic textures - this is what you will find in the Stylista texture pack. With over a hundred creatively designed textures, this pack promises to bring your gameplay onto another level. What makes it stand out is that it leverages the power of modern shader packs to add support for new texture layers, such as subsurface scattering and hard coded metals. This means that with the right shaderpack you can expect the block surfaces to contain even more details than before. Another feature of Stylista is that it allows you to enjoy both medieval and modern settings. With quartz textures, for example, you can build luxury villas:While using wood planks, cobblestone and stone, you can build amazing medieval cities:The free version of Stylista gives access to 128x resolution textures, but if you want to enjoy a full power of it in 256x and 532x resolutions then I would suggest you to check out premium versions. The patreon link for subscription is given in the additional links section.Read the installation section carefully, as the procedures may differ from the standard installation of texture packs.

Faithless 37

Faithless is a resource pack inspired by the Faithful series that adds many cool new textures. The UI is significantly changed to be generally smaller buttons but in an excellent way, with a cool new font and more. Many of the item and block textures are varied, but the faithless pack is not too extreme of an overhaul; it is still designed to be vanilla friendly but does overhaul a few things. In some ways, the resource pack does seem to improve performance, but that could be a placebo effect; many of the placed blocks, especially stone, look very similar or the same, while many of the entities look a bit different (sometimes good, sometimes not so well such as with the creeper.) Faithless is a pretty good texture pack that adds new levels of detail to the game and UI. It also has some texture changes for mods.However, it is important to know that the licensing is very restrictive; you can’t make unofficial ports, modify, build on, redistribute, or make money on the mod, according to the author. The resource pack also has beta versions.

Pixel Perfection 24

Whatever your Minecraft playstyle is, Pixel Perfection is the way to go. It's a 16x texture pack, but you wouldn't notice the textures being as pixelated as in the default textures. It offers a unique RPG experience, but you can't tell what theme it is, because it offers plenty of visuals that makes it one of the most highly rated resource packs. Blocks, items and mobs have simple and impressive designs that are implemented in a creative way. Almost all blocks and items in the game have been retextured to make you feel like you are playing another Minecraft game, and this exactly is Pixel Perfection. Overall if you're a builder or an adventurer or have some other playstyle, this pack will impress you.

Stoneborn 28

Stoneborn is a simple texture pack that only affects the in-game GUI. With this pack installed, your GUI will now have a dark-medieval appearance. The dark theme will be very convenient for people who are used to using dark theme on their devices. The pack gives your GUI a majestic appearance that stands out from other GUI packs.Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this pack. Download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.

Clear Vision 8

Clear Vision is a lightweight utility resource pack that makes slight, but highly noticeable changes into your game. These changes focus on improving the player's vision by removing obstructive overlays. The changes include :Removal of underwater overlayRemoval of the End darknessPumpkin overlayRemoval of vignette effectThese changes will help you in activities like building underwater, travelling the end, fighting endermen, etc.Download links are given below.

Authentic Shadows 7

Minecraft is a block game. It only makes sense that everything in this game is blocky or pixelated at the least. Shadows in Minecraft is a huge element in the game. Eventhough they are a tiny detail, they are quite noticeable. But the problem with shadows is that they are too round than blocky. This does not match the vanilla Minecraft aesthetics and might mildly infuriate some players who pay attention to detail. The Authentic Shadows texture pack changes the shape of the shadows in Minecraft. They are now more pixelated compared to the vanilla smooth circle and matches the blockiness of the game very well. Take a look at the cover image to see a side-by-side comparison.Download links are given below.

Default Dark Mode 14

Default Dark Mode does exactly what it's name suggests. This texture pack replaces all of the GUI's, settings and loading screen with a darkened variant of their respective textures. This ensures that your eyes experience less strain when using them. The text is now in a light gray shade that suites well with the dark gray GUI textures. Only the colours have changed, the rest of the features of the GUI's and settings, stays the same. Furthermore, using Darkomizer you can add a custom shade to the textures. Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from the pack.› Download links are given below.

[128x64x] Chroma Hills RPG 4

Welcome to CHROMA HILLS a new texture pack series and more in the making for Minecraft. You will be transported into a world of a detailed RPG feel with a mix of bright cartoon styling. Made in 128x with 64x and 32x coming soon. Massive mod support is planned for the pack as well. Chroma Hills Is well over 5 million downloads to date! The official Chroma Hills server is liveIP chromahills.net

Vibrancy Veasons 1

Another resource pack with improved textures of blocks and also some items.