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Vanilla-friendly texture pack inspired by the Faithful series, introducing detailed textures and unique UI enhancements.
Faithless is a resource pack inspired by the Faithful series that adds many cool new textures. The UI is significantly changed to be generally smaller buttons but in an excellent way, with a cool new font and more. Many of the item and block textures are varied, but the faithless pack is not too extreme of an overhaul; it is still designed to be vanilla friendly but does overhaul a few things. In some ways, the resource pack does seem to improve performance, but that could be a placebo effect; many of the placed blocks, especially stone, look very similar or the same, while many of the entities look a bit different (sometimes good, sometimes not so well such as with the creeper.) Faithless is a pretty good texture pack that adds new levels of detail to the game and UI. It also has some texture changes for mods.
However, it is important to know that the licensing is very restrictive; you can’t make unofficial ports, modify, build on, redistribute, or make money on the mod, according to the author. The resource pack also has beta versions.