
2448 views 158 downloadsNov 26, 2021 Nov 26, 2021

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Stonevaults, Dungeons & Towers Mod

This mod blew my mind! And I am not exaggerating it for the sake of making this a good review. I am talking about the Stonevaults, Dungeons & Towers mod. This mod adds four new structures into the game.

The structures are quite vanilla friendly. The four structures are the dungeon, pillager dungeon, igloo and the Magetower. All of the structures, except for the Magetower, are located deep underground and only has a tunnel like opening leading the surface. 

The underground stuff is quite impressive and adds some challenge to the survival game. There are several traps and redstone based puzzles you have to overcome in order to continue your way inside the dungeons. You can find loot chests scattered here and there and they sometimes offer pretty good loot.

I can say without doubt that the gameplay itself will be more rewarding than the loot that you're gonna find. The structures do not stay the same when you load them in different worlds. The rooms and paths will be shifted around randomly. You will find hostile mobs spawning within the dungeons.

I rate this mod a solid 9 out of 10. This mod surpassed my expectations and I'm pretty sure the developers will be adding more additions in the future.

This mod is available for Fabric and downloads for available versions can be found below.