Mods for Minecraft 1.7.10

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

Thermal Foundation 3

Serves as a foundational framework for Thermal Series mods and other modder integrations, requiring CoFH installation.

Mantle 6

Enhances mod compatibility and functionality, often used with Tinkers Construct and related mods

Mystical Mobs

Introduces imaginative creatures like Skeleton Warrior and Flying Eye, each with unique behaviors and valuable loot drops

Storage Drawers 19

Storage Drawers is a mod which adds specialised storage drawers into the game. The ideas of Jabba and Bibliocraft influence it. They are compact and serve a particular æsthetic function separate

Wurst 9

Wurst is a mod that gives you advantages. It allows you to perform block telemetry, walk on water, walk on scaffolds, get PVP assistance, excavate, find items, and more.It has a menu that can be acces

FastLeafDecay 28

Expedites leaf decay rapidly after tree removal

Mo' Villages 5

Enhances Minecraft villages by introducing them in diverse biomes, unique architectural variants, and increased villager diversity

Progressive Automation 3

Introduces low-tech automation tools to enhance productivity, upgrade mining, farming, crafting, defense, and animal husbandry activities.

The Twilight Forest 8

Embark on an adventure in a unique dimension with intricate dungeons, epic boss battles, and valuable treasures

Reborn Core 19

Enhances modding capabilities with a versatile event system, supporting popular mods like Quantum Storage and Fluxed Redstone.

BiblioCraft [Forge] 3

Enhance storage and decoration with functional furniture, display cases, bookshelves, and various creative interior design options.

Optifine Latest 27

Optimizes performance with FPS boosts and customizable settings, enabling shader support for stunning visual enhancements.