Best Minecraft mobs mods

In this page you will discover amazing Minecraft mobs tagged mods. Flick through countless useful content dedicated for Minecraft game that includes mods, shaders, maps and textures. Only the best and most popular additions come into our list and they promise to give an fascinating experience to any minecraft player

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Dungeon Denizens

Dungeon Denizens is a mod that brings new life to vanilla Minecraft dungeons. The mod adds new mobs to these dungeons, making them more challenging and exciting for players. The new mobs include unique monsters, each with their own abilities and attacks.In addition to the new mobs, Dungeon Denizens also adds new loot to dungeon chests, making exploration more rewarding. The mod also changes the dungeon architecture, with new types of rooms and traps to keep players on their toes.Overall, Dungeon Denizens is a great addition to any mod pack or playthrough, and it provides a new and refreshing experience to the traditional Minecraft dungeon-crawling gameplay.

Einstine Pc


Rats is a mod for Minecraft that introduces new mobs to the game: Rats! These tiny creatures scurry around, eating crops and searching for food. They are unique as they can pick up items, including food, and bring them back to their nest.In addition to rats, the mod adds new structures like rat traps and rat nests. Players can also tame and breed rats, which can also help you gather resources or ride them as mounts.Once you have downloaded the mod, you can find rats in various biomes and start exploring all the new things the mod offers.

Einstine Pc

Zombie Extreme

Zombie Extreme is a mod for Minecraft that adds new, stronger zombies to the game to increase the difficulty. These zombies are much stronger and more intelligent than their vanilla counterparts. They also have special skills that make them much harder to beat.The mod adds new zombies, weapons, and armor to help players fight the hordes of the dead. Rare items found in the game are used to make these new items, which makes them even more valuable to the player.Zombie Extreme is a great mod if you want a challenge to see how good you are against more formiddable enemies.

Einstine Pc


Terraqueous is a mod that adds a lot of new content to Minecraft. With this mod, players can enjoy a wide range of new features including new fruit trees, beautiful flowers, decorative items, and more. The mod aims to enhance the natural beauty of the game and adds unique items to the Minecraft world.One of the features of this mod are the fruit trees that spawn in the world. You can find fruit trees such as apple, pear, peach, mango, orange, lemon, cherry, plum, coconut, and banana. Each tree has its oen unique wood, fences, and doors, providing you with more building options.The mod also adds blocks for building which include pergolas, the roof, lattice fence, and a lattice fence gate. The mod changes the appearance of the pergolas blocks based on the surrounding pieces, and you can choose from various colors. You can also create the flying houses and castles using the cloud blocks.In addition to the fruit trees and pergolas, Terraqueous adds sixteen different colored flowers that you can use for decoration to create the dye. You can also find types of planter pots for additional decoration.

Einstine Pc

Get In The Bucket

Get In The Bucket is a simple mod that lets you transport mobs in Minecraft. It is very useful. With this mod, you can move any mob, including villagers and Endermen, by right-clicking with an empty bucket on them.This is a great way to move mobs around without worrying about them getting hurt or killed by other mobs. For example, if you need to move villagers to a farm or to a new village, you can do so quickly and safely with Get In The Bucket.One of the best things about this mod is how easy it is to use. All you need is a mob and an empty bucket. There are no hard-to-understand steps to follow or things to make. Just right-click the bucket on the mob, and you're done.

Einstine Pc


Shrink is a mod that allows you to create a device which has the function of making a large size or making very small, to create this device we will only need some basic materials such as a few ingots of iron, glass, an enderpel and a stone button.With this device we can enlarge our character itself as other mobs of the game, to use this device we must be in the default size of the character and control the measure we want to give to mobs as ourselves too.We can get into very narrow places when we have a very tiny height as we can climb the blocks very easily when we are big, this mod is simple but adds a lot of fun to the world of Minecraft.The link of the mod is below:

Renzo Espinoza

Happiness (is a) Warm Gun

 Happiness (is a) Warm Gun  is a gun mod which adds various 3D guns to minecraft. This gun is one of the most detailed guns mod, having many 3D models and special effects. The guns vary, there are some guns which are like machine guns which shoot very fast, and others which you need to reload each time.There are different types of ammo, such as fuel, bullets, and other, and each gun has its own ammo type, reload amount, and reload frequency and other attributes which are listed under the item.  Ammo does not really matter in creative move, which can shoot any gun without the ammo.Many of the guns are based off of real guns, like shotguns, revolvers, machine guns, flame throwers, and much more. It is also based off of the games Doom (which there is also another mod for by one of the contributors named AzureDoom) and Team Fortress 2.The Flame thrower lets you actually shoot fire and light blocks on fire. The mod adds a few different types of mobs, mostly villager types (different variants for Desert/Forest/Taiga/Snow), but this mod also changes the weapons of existing mobs, mostly the illagers and Technodemons in the nether. Guns and ammo can be obtained by killing a lot of them.There is also a gun table which is what is used to get most of the guns. The main materials used are iron, gold, gunpowder, and various other ingredients. Some weapons can only be found in chests found around the world.The names of the Guns provided in the mod are:PistolLuger    Silenced Pistol    Flare Gun    AK-47    SMG    Shotgun    Tommy Gun    Sniper Rifle    Grenade     Launcher    Rocket Launcher    Flame Thrower    Minigun    Balrog    Brimstone    Golden Gun    Hellhorse     Revolver    Meanie Gun    Incinerator     Unit    More in the     futureThe grenade Launcher can make big explosions, but the grenades are expensive and it takes a long time to load, and the minigun is also good but takes up a lot of bullets and does not do much damage with each bullet. RocketLauncher can also shoot rockets which do not do much damage to the terrain but can do lots of damage to the entities which hit it.The mod is for 1.16.5 and newer only on Fabric (and forks like Quilt), the developers have stated they do not plan to back port and do not want Forge ports. This mod also requires GeckoLib (also known as AzureLib) and is an example of a mod which uses geckolib that is not focused on mobs, but rather on item animations.Despite having such high quality models, the mod is pretty light weight, does not take up too much size, and most of the textures are made in plain JSON and are not really massive like 32x32. The Whole mod is under 1MB making it good for modpacks that should not be large. The authors allow modpacks to be hosted anywhere, like Technic or MinecraftStorage, but prefer if the modpack is hosted on CurseForge so they can get some of the profit.


Critters and Companions

Critters and Companions is an absolutely adorable mod that adds multiple mobs to the game, with a few of them having useful functionalities and some being decorative. You will find them in rivers, plains, the ocean and some other locations, with the Koi, Ferret, Otter, Dragonfly, Red Panda and Dumbo Octopus being some major examples.Dragonflies can be tamed with spider eyes to help you out during combat, Otters will attack fish near them and eat whatever fish you right click them with, but they'll also open clams that you can get from fishing. This will get you pearls, that you can use to make a necklace that gives you major buffs for underwater exploration.Ferrets can be tamed with raw rabbit and will dig for loot if you give them raw chicken, or assist you when looking for animals to hunt. If you find enough Koi Fish grouped together in a river, they'll give you a Luck buff.This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric. Download links are given below.


Corundum Meadows

Corundum Meadows is a world-gen/add-on mod that adds a variety of features to Minecraft's terrain generation along with some new mobs. This mod adds new biomes, around 20+ new mobs, new structures and a variety of new blocks. Corundum is a new material added by this mod. They are found in caves and have about the same rarity as diamonds. But they can be found a lot more often in the new Lowland biome. You can craft a variety of new blocks with this new item. The Corundum Amulet is an item that increases your survival rate for short time when used. You can also craft a variety of new tools with this material. Then there's the Corundum bio-recycling station that allows you to convert items like seeds and rotten flesh into mystical fruits. Consuming these fruits will give you some XP. The mod also adds plenty of new features. Check out the video below.This is a Forge mod and download links are given below.


Deeper and Darker

Deeper and Darker is a mod that adds new sets of gear and mobs with a purple/dark-blue theme.It adds a set of BlueishGreen and Beige Armour which has horns on it that is quite powerful. There also comes with an elytra which flies extra fast, it flies so fast that there is even a zoom sound and visual effect which comes up when you are flying very fast. You get Wings of Broken Souls Achievement when you fly with it. The armour set is called the Warden Armour set.There are also a bunch of blocks, most of them are simply coloured versions of the vanilla blocks, the wooden ones are Beige with purple leaves and some other grey and purple blocks and stuff you would normally make out of wood, such as signs, fences, buttons, pressure plates, doors, and more. There is also a bunch of dark blueish-green blocks (called Skulk blocks) in different shapes such as walls and stone bricks and stairs and different variations of these items. There is also a more powerful toolset called the Warden set.The mod is most known for its bosses though. This mod has them in all shapes and sizes, from tiny centipede/leech-shaped mobs all the way to big bosses, there are many different types of mobs. The Shattered is a humanoid that has horns and is greenish-blue and beige. Sculk Leech is a small bug. Skulk Snapper is a giant mouth and is commonly the symbol used for the mod. Shriek Worm is a giant worm that stands and has a 4-way mouth that bends down and sucks its prey and also has ribs. A Skulk centipede is a medium-sized centipede that has many legs and is very fast and flexible. The Stalker is a powerful boss with a backpack, looks a little like an ender man, has a 4-way mouth in the middle, and can spawn Leeches. Most of the mobs in this mod, especially the leeches can glow in the dark with their blue lights.The main part of this mod is the dimensions called the Otherside. Which is very dark but has lots of glow-in-the-dark elements. The developers have a starting guide and wiki to help you.The mod is still very lightweight, only adding a few sets of blocks and gear, and mobs, however, they will keep updating it to add more.The mod requires GeckoLib (For animations) and Paragon (For Config). If you are on Fabric you will also need Fabric API or for Quilt the Quilted Fabric API.



GeckoLib is an animation and physics library for Minecraft, which makes it easier to animate modded objects in Minecraft. GeckoLib became common after changes to the Minecraft Animation Engine made it harder to animate things like entities. GeckoLib is available for Minecraft 1.12.2 and 1.15.2 and newer (or 1.16 or more recent for FabricMC and 1.18 or newer for QuiltMC).Geckolib is a physics engine it supports many advanced features, such as:3D keyframe animations, concurrent animation support (good for taking advantage of powerful computers, especially with a lot of cores and sockets, as well as with good GPU),    Particle keyframesSound keyframesEvent keyframesAnd more.It also has over 30 easings.An extension-based programming language called Molang, also borrowed from the Bedrock edition, helps with animation.GeckoLib is used differently for developers and players. For Players, you should install the mod in the mods folder like any other mod. For Developers, you will need to add the mod to your development environment, depending on how your environment is and then start developing.One of the most important things to keep in mind is the versions of GeckoLib. There are 3 Main versions of GeckoLib you need to look out for in Modern mods:GeckoLib 2: This version is primarily deprecated, but some mods still use itGeckoLib 3: This version is still common, especially for versions of Minecraft before 1.19GeckoLib 4: The newest GeckoLib, 1.19.x and newer onlyOnly GeckoLib 3 and 4 are still being developed. GeckoLib2 and the original GeckoLib are deprecated and should not be used. GeckoLib 3 is in support mode, may eventually be phased out, and mainly targets older versions. Versions of GeckoLib are not compatible with mods made for other versions, which is why it is vital to install the correct version. The modid often indicates the correct version. It will usually say geckolib3 or geckolib2. Both of these versions of GeckoLib should work together.Since GeckoLib3 Geckolib uses bedrock-style JSON files for the animations and often tries to avoid animations with java (different than many older ways of doing it), GeckoLib integrates with BlockBench and is the preferred method for it, so if you are using BlockBench, animating will likely be much easier with GeckoLib.GeckoLib covers not just mobs but other entities, items, blocks, armour, and more.GeckoLib has wikis for support for GeckoLib 3 and GeckoLib 4. It explains how various topics such as how to make and work with models, how to do the animations, examples of the animations, how to set up GeckoLib with MultiLoader, a list of mods which use GeckoLib, Migration guides from 3 to 3,1 and 3,1,x to 4, renderers, glowing, keyframes, Molang, abstract textures, miscellaneous topics, FAQs, and so much more, it took hours for them to make and it is hosted on their GitHub. is one of the most common animation libraries. It is commonly suggested and commonly used by other mods and templates. Requiring this mod will likely be manageable because many other mods use it. Some of the mod developers who use it also are involved in the development or community, such as MC Doom (AzureDoom is one of the top GeckoLib Developers), Chocolate Quest Repoured (Der Toaster is a contributor), Chaos Awakens, Raid Awakens, Minecraft Forge (Curle the Crook is a contributor), Advent of Ascension (Tsalt is a contributor), Mowzie’s Mobs (Bob Mowzie is a contributor and so many more), Ars Nouveau. Here is a small list of a few of the mods officially supported by the GeckoLib team.


Ad Astra!

Welcome to the space odyssey of your dreams! With Ad Astra, your world will be gifted with the means required to explore the deepest reaches of space and maybe even conquer them!To get started, be sure to craft the mod's manual and check its contents out, as it will give you some general tips regarding its progression and mechanics. Done? Good, now we can get started with the mod's actual contents.First of all, you'll want to acquire a Coal Generator and the Compressor, machines that you will use to make plates. Plates are a vital component in Ad Astra and you should get used to making tons of them. Cabling is made out of steel, which can be crafted by smelting Iron ingots.You will also need to make a machine that turns water into oxygen and another one that turns Oil, a fluid that can be found in the ocean, into Fuel. It is worth mentioning that fuel is NOT renewable and should be used with care.To go to the moon, the first cellestial body you can explore, you'll have to craft a landing pad and a rocket, which is made in the NASA workbench crafting station. Alongside that, please be sure to craft a Space Suit.It'll be expensive, and each trip will take tons of fuel, but the Lunar depths are the only place in which you can find Desh Ore, a mineral that is critical to this mod's progression. Of course, setting up a moon base is no easy feat, as it's an airless planet. You can actually mitigate this problem by setting up an oxygen production system with the Oxygen Distributor machine. 


Creeper Overhaul

A simple yet incredibly well executed mod, Creeper Overhaul perfectly replicates the feeling of the game's biomes with a new type of creeper for each one.From the fluffy snowy Creeper to the camouflaged jungle one, every single one of them is beautifully sprited and modeled, to the point of feeling like content that should've been in the game from the start. There isn't much content besides the visuals, but it's worth nothing that some of them are passive and that they all have great support with shaderpacks or emissive textures when exploding.


Good Ending

Good Ending is a wonderful Vanilla Style mod that adds a whole lot of tweaks to vanilla biomes, a few new props that will appear on your world(such as boulders of all stone types), and blocks to come with that. It also brings a few new mobs to the table, such as Woodpeckers, swarms of Fireflies and the Marsh swamp monster. Fireflies can be used to make lanterns or transported with bottles to be placed wherever you want, and the Marsh is actually a scared-y little creature that allows you to coat your weaponry in potion effects.Besides the new mobs, this mod also adds multiple new forms of existing trees that grow when you plant their saplings on specific blocks, like the comforting yet somewhat exotic Muddy Oak Tree and its planks, stairs, etc. Speaking of wood sets, Good Ending also adds Cypress Trees, which have orange planks and a white bark. Lilypads have been changed to not break when you row your boat through them, and multiple new forms of them have also been added, having flowers of different colors. Cattails and all sorts of colored flower patches will also appear in your world.


Mine Cells

Mine Cells is a promising Fabric mod that aims to add enemies, weapons and decorative blocks from the Action Roguelite Dead Cells to Minecraft. You can access the new dimension in which most of the mod's contents are located by finding a specific portal in the wild, which can be recognized for its circular shape. If you haven't found diamonds before approaching it, it won't activate, so be sure to do some vanilla progression before you get started; You'll need it for the mobs and boss you'll find there. The Prison dimension / structure has multiple mobs to fight, most of which have their own gimmicks that may put your abilities to the test. Bringing armor and a shield is highly recommended. Across the ruined halls of this place, you will find barrels with all sorts of useful loot and most of the new weapons, including the classic Blood Sword from the game and Health Flasks.Impressively enough, the mod also features elevators that are used to traverse some of the areas of the map, and a new boss that can be found deep inside the prison; Conjunctivius. She has multiple special moves that need to be learned, lots of health and deals enormous amounts of damage even with netherite armor.


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